Terms and Condition

We recommend you to carefully read all the terms and conditions of the WWW.LOVLE.VIP and any disagreement or claim coming from or about this matter will be solved according to the laws in force. 

WARNING: Unfortunately, if you are under 18 years old, you cannot use the WWW.LOVLE.VIP because this is an online community intended for adults. 

The document hereby represents a membership consent which is applicable in case of the following www.LOVLE.VIP: as well as to the affiliated www.LOVLE.VIP and it contains mandatory rules applicable to any user who applies to the services and information put at his/her disposal by our www.LOVLE.VIP. 

If you register and you agree to the terms and conditions published on our www.LOVLE.VIP, you must respect them during the entire membership period. If you do not agree to our terms, do not register and do not use the services offered by our www.LOVLE.VIP. 

We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions of this WWW.LOVLE.VIP, as well as the aspect, options or features regarding the operating mode and the prices, at any time and with no previous notification. 

The users agree that the simple use or access of the www.LOVLE.VIP or of any of its components results in the full and unconditioned acceptance of the operated modification/s. The users who have objections to make or who do not fully agree to the terms and conditions published on our www.LOVLE.VIP must immediately stop using the www.LOVLE.VIP. 

We recommend you to periodically read the terms and conditions of our www.LOVLE.VIP in order for you to see the last modifications.  

    1. The registration on the www.LOVLE.VIP is made by filling in an online form, with clear and complete information. All the information needed to register on our www.LOVLE.VIP are the following: sex, nickname, e-mail, date of birth, position, password, but if this information proves to be fake, we reserve the right to deny the access to our www.LOVLE.VIP. 
    2. The registration on the www.LOVLE.VIP is allowed only to persons of age over 18 and we cannot be held responsible for the falsification of this information. By becoming a member, you state and guarantee that you are at least 18 years old and therefore we will not be held responsible for the use of our www.LOVLE.VIP by underage persons who infringed this condition by false statement. 

    3. The www.LOVLE.VIP does not guarantee and cannot be held responsible for the objectivity of any of the information filled in by the users, as the users are directly responsible for their activity on the www.LOVLE.VIP, including but without limitation thereto: name, e-mail, photographs, date of birth, preferences, position, etc. 

    4. The users are warned that the other users also have access to the information of their profile and they express their consent in this sense.


    1. In order to create an account on the WWW.LOVLE.VIP, the new member must fill in a registration form containing the nickname, e-mail, birthday, position and registration password and he/she must agree to the terms and conditions on www.LOVLE.VIP. WARNING: The login data must not be alienated, as they are confidential and the member is the only one responsible for the account safety and for the data added when creating the profile on WWW.LOVLE.VIP

    2. The registration on www.LOVLE.VIP is made in several steps. 

      1. The first step is represented by the temporary login confirmation

      2. For the second step, the member must choose the position and fill in his/her profile

      3. For the third step, the member must confirm the e-mail address that was added during the first registration step. 

    3. We reserve the right to block any user trying to register on WWW.LOVLE.VIP with an account name of public persons or names that could create a confusion, which could offense a person or group of persons 

    4. Each member is unique on www.LOVLE.VIP, therefore he/she will have only one account on www.LOVLE.VIP and if we discover that he/she has several accounts, we reserve the right to cancel or block the said accounts or even to completely deny the access on our www.LOVLE.VIP. 

    5. The user expressly agrees to the publishing of his/her profile data on www.LOVLE.VIP; the other users can access the data 

    6. If the user will not use the services of our www.LOVLE.VIP for a period of 3 months, then his/her profile will be deactivated and impossible to be viewed by the other members. After another period of … months from the expiration of the first period, in case the user does not reactivate the account, the account will be considered abandoned and the data will be deleted. 

    7. The www.LOVLE.VIP reserves the right to create fake user accounts in order to promote the services and to check the way in which the members use the www.LOVLE.VIP and respect the terms and conditions. These checks can be random and without previous consent of the registered member. Members understand, acknowledge, and agree that some of the user profiles posted on this www.LOVLE.VIP may be fictitious, and are associated with to our hybrid fantasy chat users (fantasy users). The fantasy users work for the www.LOVLE.VIP in an effort to stimulate conversation with users, in order to encourage further and broader participation in all of our www.LOVLE.VIP services, including the posting of additional information and/or pictures to the users' profiles. The fantasy users also serve to sample user activities and communications to ensure compliance with our Terms and Conditions. Members understand, acknowledge, and agree that the information, text, and pictures contained in the fantasy users profiles do not pertain to any actual person, but are included for the purposes above stated and for entertainment only. Nothing contained in any fantasy users profile is intended to describe or resemble any real person — living or dead. Any similarity between fantasy users user profile descriptions and any person is purely coincidental. Please also note that a single fantasy user may be associated with more than one (1) profile on our Site.


    1. According to the European laws in force regarding the processing of personal data, the WWW.LOVLE.VIP must safely manage and protect all the personal data provided by the members registered on www.LOVLE.VIP.  The scope of collecting this personal data of the members strictly refers to the services offered by the WWW.LOVLE.VIP as well as for the networking, marketing and advertisement services performed by the company holding the www.LOVLE.VIP, by affiliated companies or by third parties. By accepting the terms and conditions of the WWW.LOVLE.VIP, the members agree and acknowledge the observance and achievement of all the obligations regarding the personal data transfer by the operator to any third entity. The users express their written consent so that their personal data can be used by the company holding the www.LOVLE.VIP and by any other affiliated www.LOVLE.VIP/company and taken over by affiliated www.LOVLE.VIPs or companies without previous or subsequent notification of the user. In case the www.LOVLE.VIP provides data to affiliated www.LOVLE.VIPs/companies or third parties, it shall make sure that the said entities comply with the conditions regarding the protection of personal data.

    2. According to the European laws in force, the user has the following rights: 

      1. The right to access the data, with no restrictions, at reasonable intervals and he/she is entitled to receive, with no excessive delays or costs: 

        1.  The confirmation that the data regarding him/her are processed or not; 

        2. Information regarding the scope of processing, the data categories taken into account and the recipients/categories of recipients the data are communicated to;  

        3. The intelligible communication of the data that are the object of processing and of other information regarding the origin of the data; 

      2. The right to intervene in the data: rectification, deletion, block of the data the processing of which does not observe the provisions of the EU directives, especially because of the incomplete or inaccurate character of the data. 

      3. The notification of the third parties notified about any rectification, deletion or block performed according to the above clause, if the said notification proves to be impossible or it does not involve an extra effort; 

      4. The right to oppose at any time, for good and legit reasons regarding its particular situation and the processing of the respective data; 

      5. The right to refuse the demand and personal data processing by the www.LOVLE.VIP for prospecting purposes or to be informed before the personal data were communicated to third parties for the first time, for prospecting purposes and to be expressly given the right to freely oppose to such a communication or use

    3. Administration rights of the posted content. 

      1. The content posted on www.LOVLE.VIP by a logged in or registered member represents the property of the www.LOVLE.VIP, therefore, the logged in member automatically authorizes us to use the content, included to edit, post, copy, modify or adapt according to the translation. By posting content on www.LOVLE.VIP you agree to give up any moral right regarding this content but, if the content posted by the member is an infringement of the intellectual property rights or if it constitutes a crime or the infringement of any other law,  we reserve the right to divulge the member’s identity to any third party.  

      2. The user is directly responsible for the illegal or calumnious content uploaded on www.LOVLE.VIP, as well as for the obtaining of the previous consent of third parties to publish their images and content. It is strictly forbidden to other members to use a content posted by a member registered on our WWW.LOVLE.VIP.

    4. Login data provided by the members  

      1. By filling in the registration form in several steps, which provides information about the profile, the member agrees to the delivery of this information to the www.LOVLE.VIP; the said information shall be kept safely. 


    1. By becoming a member of the WWW.LOVLE.VIP, you agree to maintain and observe a certain online conduct and activity, therefore you agree to the following aspects: 

      1. The logged in member is unique and directly responsible for the information, no matter how this was introduced or transmitted to other members by means of the online platform. 

      2. You shall not send to other members or upload on www.LOVLE.VIP obscene, aggressive, menacing, pettifogging, harassing messages, racism, violence or hostility instigations, messages that contravene to decency or that infringe law from any point of view. 

      3. You shall not create spam or obsessively send information to other members. This can lead to the suspension of your account. 

      4. You shall use the services offered by our www.LOVLE.VIP according to its terms and conditions and you shall offer all the information necessary to create a member profile. 

      5. You shall not collect or keep information about the www.LOVLE.VIP’s members, indifferently from your purpose, without their previous consent. 

      6. You shall not identify yourself under an identity that is different from your real one. 

      7. Any registered member is solely responsible for the relations or discussions developed with the other members by the online platform and the Support Team reserves the right to monitor any eventual conflict between the users in order to maintain a correct online conduct. 

      8. If the user posts information, photos or any type of content referring/belonging to other user/person, he/she declares to have obtained the previous consent of the said user/person to publish the said information/photos/content. 

      9. It is strictly forbidden to post a content or photo containing advertisement, a company’s or photographer’s logo or to use copyrighted content or photos marked by ©; these are trademarks or they infringe copyright; it is strictly forbidden to publish a content or photo that can be interpreted as pornographic, erotic or indecent. 

    2. It is strictly forbidden to use the account to advertise for sales or purchase purposes or for any other marketing purposes. 

      1. You shall not introduce or transmit on www.LOVLE.VIP materials containing viruses, programs or files meant to interrupt, destroy or limit the good activity of the www.LOVLE.VIP, indifferently from the modality. 

      2. You shall not copy, translate, sell, and adapt any material, text or part of this www.LOVLE.VIP, irrespective of your purpose. 

      3. It is strictly forbidden to ask other members to pay certain amounts of money, irrespective of the pretext.

    3. Infringement of the online conduct 

      1. Any willful infringement of the on line Conduct by the member can lead to the partial or total suspension of his/her account on WWW.LOVLE.VIP and after the suspension, the members who received this suspension are no longer entitled to use the services offered by WWW.LOVLE.VIP. In case of infringement of the online conduct we also reserve the right to cancel any account, with no previous notification. 

      2. We must warn you that the WWW.LOVLE.VIP is monitored about activity and  prohibited content and if we discover or we are noticed about a case of infringement of the online conduct, we reserve the right to eliminate the posts, photos or information on WWW.LOVLE.VIP we choose without the user to be entitled to complaints based on this action.  

      3. WWW.LOVLE.VIP cannot be held responsible for the activity of its users and for the infringement of the online conduct; no user/other person is entitled to legal or extra-legal claims from the www.LOVLE.VIP if caused by another user or a third party in case of invocation of an infringement of the online conduct or infringement of the private life 

      4. The fraud attempts are NOT noticed by notification e-mail but if the user continues with the attempt, the account shall be cancelled indifferently if the user has acquired a subscription, a package or any other type of benefit on www.LOVLE.VIP, definitively losing the refund right. These attempts are next detailed: 

        1. The sent/request for e-mails, phone numbers, facebook page, skype address can lead to the account suspension.

        2. The creation of duplicate accounts can lead to the account suspension.

        3. The continuous harassment of users by their contacting and multiple sending of friend requests within a very short period of time.

        4. Abuse or indecent language and activity on the platform, reported by the platform’s partner users

        5. The negative promotion of the platform during the discussions with its members.


    1. The active member making payments or using the services of the WWW.LOVLE.VIP, hereby declares to be over 18 and directly responsible for the information provided. 

    2. After registration, the active member on the www.LOVLE.VIP will benefit for free from the Starter package which contains 20 bonus credits 

    3. A user can purchase 4 types of packages that contain a different number of credits, have different benefits and are valid for different periods of time. 

    4. Each package contains a number of virtual credits. These credits are used by a member to: send messages, send private pictures in chat, to send gifts in chat, to see who is viewing their profile, make audio calls, make video calls, to send friend requests to other users plus many other actions.(see list of actions)

      1. Basic subscription - 60 credits - 29.99 euros - valid for 14 days and recurrent.
      2. Standard subscription - 200 credits + 20 bonus credits - 99.99 euros - valid for 30 days and recurrent
      3. Plus subscription - 300 credits + 50 bonus credits - 149.99 euros - valid for 30 days and recurrent
      4. Pro subscription - 500 credits + 100 bonus credits - 249.99 euros - valid for 60 days and recurrent
    5. To be able to send audio messages, you need to have an active PRO subscription.

    6. To be able to listen the audio messages received from users of the platform, it is necessary to have an active PRO subscription.

    7. Any member of the WWW.LOVLE.VIP has the right to choose one of the packages available online and to pay for the facilities offered by the platform. 

    8. Prices are clearly indicated on the www.LOVLE.VIP in euros. The WWW.LOVLE.VIP and reserves the right to change the amount and type of payment at any time and without prior notice. 

    9. The renunciation of the type of package can be made at any time. You must contact us by making CLICK on this form and we shall get back with a solution for your demand as soon as possible. 

    10. After purchasing a package, this becomes valid immediately after the payment confirmation and registration. 

    11. WARNING:  In case of any doubts/complaints regarding the transactions made by a certain member, his/her account will be blocked until the clarification of the created situation. 

    12. By sending an order, the user hereby declares and guarantees that he/she is over 18 years old and a resident of the country he orders from and pays for the subscription on WWW.LOVLE.VIP.  

    13. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the user agrees to the automatic payment by direct withdrawal from his/her card account  or by registration by mobile phone invoice and hereby declares that the payment in made in his/her name or that he/she is entitled to use that payment modality. 

    14. There will be a maximum of 5 attempts to renew the subscription package, every  days, if the subscription is not extended, will become Default. 

    15. In case of the payments made by card, the user declares that he/she is over 18 years old and that he/she is the card owner. The www.LOVLE.VIP cannot be held responsible for any complaints regarding the incorrect use or for the use of the payment means by other persons except the holder, as well as for the consumption of the users’ payment resources and that he/she cannot return funds to the account if the user made a wrong purchase.  

    16. Payment modalities: 

      1. Giving up the subscription;

    17. Giving up the subscription
      1. The renunciation to the subscription can be made at any time by filling in an online form HERE or from the member account in My Profile > Package > Cancel Subscription.

      2. After giving up the subscription, the member can activate the subscription at any time and the taxation continues.  

      3. Confirmation with the purchase of a new subscription involves the activation of the member’s monthly subscription to the services offered by the WWW.LOVLE.VIP. 

      4. Subscription renewal is automatic and subscription payments cannot be reimbursed.  

    18. The return of the subscription payments  

      1. The return of the payments relative to the subscriptions offered by WWW.LOVLE.VIP is made within the legal limits and according to the laws in force 

      2. REFUND is made only for remaining credits in the account. We do not offer refunds for credits consumed on various services on the platform. 

      3. The user assumes the reimbursement cost which represents 10 credits that will be deducted from the current credits from the user's account. For the remaining loans, the amount in euro of the loan amount will be reimbursed. 

      4. The www.LOVLE.VIP does not accept refund requests and does not process refund requests, unless it complies with item # 7.3. 

      5. The platform does not accept refunds for users who are in the process of Delete Account or have deleted their account and data before the refund request.

    19. The online members are entitled to notify WWW.LOVLE.VIP in writing using the following address: Support Page.

    20. The reimbursement shall be made within maximum 30 days from the approval of the reimbursement request, from the account indicated by the user. 

    21. Any packages or credits reimbursement does not involve the future obligation to issue the same reimbursement or a similar one. 

    22. There will be no reimbursement if there is suspicion regarding funding source and if the user is guilty of violating online conduct or the rules established by the Terms and Conditions. 

    23. I In case of a package upgrade, be it an upgrade or downgrade, the remaining credits are carried over to the next package 


    1. The procedure for deleting the account is described on this page.

    2. Your subscription will be automatically canceled within 30 days of the first request. 

    3. The account deletion procedure can only be done by the authenticated member and is an automatic process. It cannot be done by the platform staff. 


    1. WWW.LOVLE.VIP is directly responsible for the content displayed online and reserves the right to delete or modify the content without notifying the users.

      1. The prejudices caused by the disclosure of the authentication data because of the member’s fault. 

      2. The use of unsecured payments from a threatened computer by: spyware, key loggers or other categories of IT viruses. 

      3. The use of payments by another person.

      4. WWW.LOVLE.VIP cannot be considered responsible for the eventual frauds produced because of the member’s fault. 

      5. The www.LOVLE.VIP warns the user about the risks relative to his/her private life and to other persons’ private lives in case of infringement of the information on the www.LOVLE.VIP. 

    2. Accept Terms of Use is a legal opinion for the company that owns the www.LOVLE.VIP to: AdverAds LTD, Secretary's Lane 5, ID - 121501, Gibraltar

    3. The services provided by this platform are classified as digital content in accordance with European Commission Directive 2011/83 / EU - http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri = CELEX: 32011L0083- it clearly states that any customer has the right to unsubscribe or request a refund within 14 days of payment, unless the offer is digital content and for which there is an exception to the directive, which may be found in Article 16 point (m). The customer still has the rights to unsubscribe and request a refund within 14 days of payment, which will be resolved by the www.LOVLE.VIP staff within 14 days of receipt of the request, only if the customer will not use any of the functions for which the payment was made. If the customer clearly agrees to use the functions he has paid for within 14 days of payment, then the customer agrees that he waives his rights under the directive, will continue to be eligible to unsubscribe and refund (if the application is validated) according to points # 6.2. 


    1. The member is entitled to report any abuse relative to the online conduct and activity on WWW.LOVLE.VIP. You can report the content posted by a member or the activity of the members on the www.LOVLE.VIP by using the following e-mail address: [email protected]

    2. The report e-mail must contain as much extra information as possible that you consider adequate to detail the abuse or complaint. 

    3. If the user if guilty for the infringement of the online conduct or for the nonobservance of the private life or copyright or for the simple use of the www.LOVLE.VIP, www.LOVLE.VIP does not assume any responsibility and it cannot be held responsible together with the user. Notwithstanding any provision hereunder, if following the user’s activity WWW.LOVLE.VIP makes object of a legal/extra-legal procedure or action, making expenses or paying damages, www.LOVLE.VIP shall recover all these costs from the user 

    4. The Cupidon  staff can answer any type of contacting within maximum 48 business hours


    1. The member registered on WWW.LOVLE.VIP agrees and must observe the property and privacy rights of the other members on the www.LOVLE.VIP.  According to the terms and conditions relative to the administration right, WWW.LOVLE.VIP does not pretend any property right on the content posted or transmitted by means of the online platform, therefore, the registered member is the only one responsible for the copy, distribution and transmission of the content or images. 

    2. The registered member is the only one responsible for any prejudices caused to third persons by inobservance of the property right and copyright. 

    3. Notwithstanding any provision hereunder, the content of the www.LOVLE.VIP is offered for your personal use and it cannot be copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, exhibited, sold or chartered for other purposes. 

    4. WWW.LOVLE.VIP is the owner of the www.LOVLE.VIP, logos, support, functionalities and initial materials on this www.LOVLE.VIP. Their copy, translation or use for different purposes, without previous consent of the holder, will be sanctioned according to the legal provisions and to the Agreement hereby.  

    5. By accepting the terms and conditions you express you consent of not using, copying or distributing the posted materials to a third party, for trading purposes. 

    6. By transmitting such materials, including photos, the user accepts and freely allows the www.LOVLE.VIP administrator  to use the materials, including to copy, distribute and transmit it publicly, in any media format or by any media channels, as well as to reproduce, modify and translate it, to mention the user’s name relative to the transmitted material and the right to also transfer all these rights to any affiliated of the www.LOVLE.VIP or company administering the www.LOVLE.VIP, freely or for a fee.  

    7. The user cannot and shall not pretend any type of compensation relative to the use of the material as showed above and the www.LOVLE.VIP Administrator cannot be obliged to pay any compensation to the user or to third parties claiming their rights on the published material.


    1. The member must hold the necessary ability, hardware and software equipment to use the services offered by WWW.LOVLE.VIP. We do not guarantee that the www.LOVLE.VIP services and characteristics function within the normal parameters if the user activates programs that block the pop-ups, add-ons, certain antiviruses or if the internet service does not function properly. 

    2. WWW.LOVLE.VIP does not guarantee for the safety of information for the client’s part, for the users accessing the www.LOVLE.VIP by web browsers and for the security and functioning issues that might occur because of the used browser or for the server the data is stored on. 

    3. We do not guarantee that WWW.LOVLE.VIP holds complete functional services as the www.LOVLE.VIP functioning can be affected if internet provider is not able to offer the proper internet services, as well as due to the fact that the hosting server cannot guarantee the complete functioning.  

    4. We do not guarantee for the www.LOVLE.VIP quality, correctness, functioning, availability or performance. In this sense, we cannot be held responsible for its complete non-functionality or malfunctions. The use of the www.LOVLE.VIP can particularly be interrupted any moment for maintenance services, updates, and technical improvements and when possible, we will inform the users about these procedures.  

    5. For the good functioning of the www.LOVLE.VIP, WWW.LOVLE.VIP advises all its Apple users to use Chrome or FireFox; at this moment we cannot guarantee the complete functionality of the characteristics offered by our www.LOVLE.VIP.

    6. The www.LOVLE.VIP or services characteristics cannot be influenced by the use of a wrong network configuration (firewall or proxy protected). In these conditions, the www.LOVLE.VIP connection for the respective member cannot be made or it can even be interrupted by the server. 

    7. The www.LOVLE.VIP services and characteristics are exhibited as such and they bear no guarantee regarding: 

      1. The eventual interruptions or different server connection losses. 

      2. The user safety on the client part.

      3. Complaints regarding the aspect of the www.LOVLE.VIP or certain characteristics of the services.

      4. Fake statements of the member or eventual frauds caused by the user or any other attempt to be fraud and refuse to use will be operates in accordance with the governing law of Gibraltar.

    8. The www.LOVLE.VIP does not reserve the right to modify, suspend, complete the provided services without previous notice or consent of the user and without being held responsible for the eventual damages it cause.  

    9. Contact person: Www.LOVLE.VIP members have the opportunity to invite their friends or contacts from their email addresses. The www.LOVLE.VIP will send up to 3 reminders, on behalf of the member, to the invited friend. The invited friend has the possibility to register freely on the www.LOVLE.VIP or to refuse to receive the invitation by e-mail.

    10. To activate the "OneDay" package, you must import at least 100 contacts. 


    1. The www.LOVLE.VIP uses cookies in order to collect certain data about you, as for example without limitation thereto: position, viwww.LOVLE.VIPd www.LOVLE.VIP, in order to identify you and find out about your preferences every time you visit the www.LOVLE.VIP, in order to display advertising at the moment of the www.LOVLE.VIP use, etc. … 

    2. You can block the use of cookies but by doing so you will be restricted the access to several www.LOVLE.VIP functionalities and this can also affect the www.LOVLE.VIP use. 

    3. The use of the cookie DART mode by Google makes it possible to display notifications for your users based on their accessing of your www.LOVLE.VIPs or of other web www.LOVLE.VIPs. [Text Wrapping Break]the users can give up the use of the cookie DART mode by consulting the privacy policy of the advertisement networks contained by Google.


    1. Any complaint or eventual notification relative to the services offered by our www.LOVLE.VIP will be transmitted as detailed as possible to the following page: support page


    1. The www.LOVLE.VIP is hosted by a company registered in Germany and it is directed to the users of the EU states members. If you are a user accessing our www.LOVLE.VIP from America, Asia, Australia or other region with specific laws regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data, different from the European directives regulating this aspect, we would like to warn you that by using this www.LOVLE.VIP, governed by the EU legislation, you send your personal information to the EU area and hereby agree to the said transfer.  


    1. All complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant's satisfaction, you can file complaint by contacting us via our support page. We are committed to addressing and resolving complaints concerning illegal or non-consensual content within a maximum of 1 business day. Upon receipt of your complaint, an assigned Customer Support Manager will acknowledge it, conduct an investigation, and ensure the removal of any illegal or non-consensual content within the specified timeframe. To maintain records and for reporting purposes, all complaints will be logged.


    1. If you are featured on any content on our website without your consent, you have the right to request the removal of such material. To initiate this process, please open a ticket to our support page. Include all the essential details required to identify the specific content in question, such as the URL where it can be found. After receiving your appeal, our dedicated department will carefully assess whether the necessary consent was obtained for the content in question. Should it become evident that the content was uploaded without the consent of the individual depicted, we will promptly and permanently remove the material from the website. Your satisfaction and privacy are of utmost importance to us


    1. If you find yourself unhappy with our services or have any questions related to your account or activities with us, don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support Department by opening a ticket to our support page. Our dedicated Customer Support team will assess whether they can promptly address your inquiry. Should your inquiry require more time or attention, please rest assured that we are fully committed to handling and resolving it promptly. Please be aware that these general complaints may require up to 7 business days for resolution.


    1. The last modification of the terms and conditions governing this www.LOVLE.VIP and the members registered on the online platform was performed as of 13/12/2023.